Diver Medic Technician Refresher Course (DMTR)

Welcome to the Diver Medic Technician course at TRAUMA Training.

The e-learning package has been designed to aid your theoretical medical knowledge. The Modules underpin the practical skills that are vital to become an effective medic.

The e-learning package has been designed as a safe way to attain the theoretical knowledge during the pandemic event.

All elements of the module must be completed to attain the IMCA accreditation.

The course Confirmation MCQ’s & the Final exam will appear as your course progresses all exams will be automatically marked & delivered to you with feedback immediately.

The course manual & Skills Booklet will be repeatedly referenced throughout the program. You will be given hard copies of these on the course. Quick pdf links will be provided throughout the e-learning lessons.

Enjoy The Course.

CitizenAID App
The CitizenAID app has been extensively updated. If you have not got this app please download.
It is 100% FREE (no adverts or ‘upgrades’).
It was developed by Brig Tim Hodgett (RAMC).
Its a must for any First Responder / Medic: www.citizenaid.org/ourapp
