LST Exam Prep Course

Welcome to the E-Learning Life Support Technician Exam preparatory program.

We aim to make your journey to a LST as easy as possible. In your download section you will find your ALST Course Manual and your Facts Booklet.

The aim of this program is to adequately prepare you for your LST exam once you have attended the requisite amount of panel hours, we suggest that this program is most appropriate in the weeks leading uptown the actual exam at an IMCA facility.

You have been sent a dropbox link of legislation and helpful videos. This e-learning package also provides hyper-links to the essential Legislation documents you will need to absorb to pass your exam.

Please pay particular attention to:

IMCA have published a study guide. The is VERY useful in preparation for the eventual Exam: (click link) IMCA LST Statment 2020

The course contains 60 hours of optional lectures, to aid you in all the essential study areas you will need. We also include mock exams which will test your knowledge.
IMCA Really likes scenario based questions. They have published a guise to scenarios. This can help to get you brain ‘thinking in the right direction’: IMCA C 013-First Response and Other Emergency Drills
We hope you enjoy the course and wish you the best of luck with your forthcoming exam.