DMT Course Continual Education Package

Welcome to the Diver Medic Technician Full Course at TRAUMA Training.

The DMT Continuing e-learning package has been designed to aid your retention of medical knowledge gained on the course and avoid ‘skill fade’. The Modules underpin the practical skills that are vital to operating as an effective medic.

The course manual & Skills Booklet will be repeatedly referenced throughout the program. You were given hard copies of these on the course.

Quick pdf links will be provided throughout the e-learning lessons.

Enjoy the course.

TRAUMA Training other Courses

Trauma Training have fully embraced E-learning. We use the pre-recorded format used in this e-learning package on an array of IMCA Courses. The ‘week’ of the course involves daily Zoom meetings with online homework & final exams being hosted over zoom & conducted on the e-learning platform. Please spread the word!

CitizenAID App
The CitizenAID app has been extensively updated. If you have not got this app please download.
It is 100% FREE (no adverts or ‘upgrades’).
It was developed by Brig Tim Hodgett (RAMC).
Its a must for any First Responder / Medic:


DMT-R Lessons


DMT Full Course Lessons
